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What is Deviate?

My admiration for fashion design has reached a Golem level of obsession that I should probably be more worried about than I am. Instead of worrying, I created Deviate; a personal-style playground to document some fun outfits and (soon!) some original designs.

Behind the brand

Clothing design can not only be a thing of beauty but can also give us a little insight into the minds of its wearers. This brand is intended to appeal to people who love this creative, expressive side of fashion.

Next steps

Deviate is in its infancy so there’s much work to be done before it feels like a fully polished brand. I’d like to create a logo and signature color pallet to make the identity clearer and more recognizable. I’d also like to start working on bringing my own designs to life which is much further down the pipeline. Eventually, I’d hope to start a newsletter to share looks and designs for those who like a more personal experience than what they would find on say, Instagram.

Next Project >